Cygwin CI continuously failing
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James E Keenan
2024-03-08 23:49:09 UTC
Our Cygwin CI rig on github.com appears to be borked. It's failing on
at least 4 pull requests. Example:


Can someone knowledgeable about cygwin and CI investigate? thanks.
Nicolas Mendoza via perl5-porters
2024-03-09 00:01:48 UTC
Our Cygwin CI rig on github.com appears to be borked.  It's failing on
Can someone knowledgeable about cygwin and CI investigate? thanks.
mbox note: Unable to get
http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/x86_64/setup.ini.sig from
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
mbox note: Unable to get setup from
unattended_mode is set at mbox: returning default value
download/verify error in unattended_mode: out of retries
note: Installation incomplete.  Check
D:\a\perl5\perl5\cygwin\var\log\setup.log.full for details
Ending cygwin install

Seems to be missing a signature file in the kernel.org mirror. It seems
this mirror has it:

Maybe not all mirrors are properly synced, or maybe ask about it in the
main mailing list? https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2024-March/date.html
Nicolas Mendoza